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Refereegranskade publikationer

Amsten, K., Cromsigt, P. G. M., … Loberg, J. M., … Niklasson, M., & Churski, M. (2024). Pyric herbivory in a temperate European wood-pasture system. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61(5), 1081-1094. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.14618

Byambasuren, C., Johansson, Ö., Alexander, J. S., ... Samelius, G. & Sharma, K. (2024). Who’s the boss? Understanding the spatial relationship between snow leopard and Eurasian lynx in southern Mongolia. Wildlife biology, e01323, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1002/wlb3.01323

Churski, M., Kuijper, D. P. J., Semmelmayer, K., Bond, W. J., ... Charles-Dominique, T. (2024). Tree growth-forms reveal dominant browsers shaping the vegetation. Functional Ecology, 38(9), 2027-2040. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14623

Diserens, T. A., Churski, M., Bubnicki, J. W., Zalewski, A., … Kuijper, D. P.  J. (2024). Badgers remain fearless in the face of simulated wolf presence near their setts Behavioural ecology. Ecology and Evolution, 14(1), e10654. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.10654

Johansson, Ö., Alexander, J. S., Lkhagvajav, P., Mishra, C., & Samelius, G. (2024). Natal dispersal and exploratory forays through atypical habitat in the mountain-bound snow leopard. Ecology, 105(4), e4264.https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.4264

Kuijper, D. P. J., Diserens , T. A., Say-Sallaz, E., Kasper, K., … Churski, M. (2024). Wolves recolonize novel ecosystems leading to novel interactions. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61(5), 906-921. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.14602

Lazzeri, L., Ferretti, F., Churski, M., Diserens, T. A., … Kuijper, D. P. J. (2024). Spatio-temporal interactions between the red fox and the wolf in two contrasting European landscapes. Scientific Reports, 14, 221. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-50447-z

Lkhagvajav, P., Alexander, J.S., Byambasuren, C., Johansson, Ö., ... Samelius, G. (2024). Snow leopards and water: high waterhole visitation rate by a breeding female in summer. Snow Leopard Reports, 3, 41-45. https://doi.org/10.56510/slr.v3.23251

Maso-Carrió, E., Churski, M., Kuijper, D. & Fumagalli, L. (2024). Niche overlap across landscape variability in summer between two large herbivores using eDNA metabarcoding. PLoS ONE, 19(2), e0279672. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0279672 

Mijiddorj, T.N., Ganchudur, B., Samelius, G. & Alexander, J.S. (2024). Reflections from a snow leopard eco-camp program in Mongolia. Snow Leopard Reports, 3, 69-78. https://doi.org/10.56510/slr.v3.22114

Nyam, E., Alexander, J.S., Byambasuren, C., ... Samelius, G. & Lkhagvajav P. (2024). Snow leopard digging for water in an arid environment. Snow Leopard Reports, 3, 37-40. https://doi.org/10.56510/slr.v3.25489

Nygren, E., Sliwa, A., & Blomqvist, L. (2024). Chapter 25 - Management of captive snow leopards in the EAZA region. In D. Mallon & T. McCarthy (Eds.), Snow Leopards (Second Edition, pp. 325–332). Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-85775-8.00012-1

Sayedi, S. S., Abbott, B. W. Vannière, B., … Niklasson, M., … Daniau, A. L. (2024). Assessing changes in global fire regimes. Fire Ecology, 20, 18. https://doi.org/10.1186/s42408-023-00237-9

Schaumann, F., Norrström, N,. Niklasson, M.; & Leidenberger, S. (2024). Ecological comparison of native (Apis mellifera mellifera) and hybrid (Buckfast) honeybee drones in southwestern Sweden indicates local adaptation. PLoS ONE, 19(8), e0308831. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0308831

Torres-García, M. T., Hedwall, P-O., Larrieu, L., Ockinger, E., Johansen, H., Niklasson, M., Petersson, L., Svensson, E., Uría-Díez, J. & Felton, A. (2024). Tree and stand characteristics jointly predict tree-related microhabitats on retention trees in production forests. Biological Conservation, 299, e110821. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110821


Populärvetenskapliga publikationer

Ericsson, M., & Nygren, E. (2024). Med uppdrag att rädda sydlig kärrsnäppa. Vår fågelvärld, 4, 18-22. PDF

Loberg, M., & Johansson, B. (2024). Animals and nature – A valuable resource for children at the hospital. WAZA News, 1, 20-21. PDF

Niklasson, M., Svensson, E., Leidenberger, S., Norrström, N. & Crawford, E. (2024) Vårt inhemska honungsbi har gamla rötter i Sverige. Bitidningen, 3, 22-23.



Farzanyar, S. (2024). Assessing the impact of a pulley system enrichment on the hunting behaviors of captive European wildcats (Masterarbete). Lunds universitet. http://lup.lub.lu.se/student-papers/record/9178963

Hardy, D. (2024). Does supplementary feed affect the daily activity of the European bison (Internship report). Hogeschool van Hall Larenstein, Leeuwarden. PDF

Hermansson, E. (2024). Comparison of different methods for registering honeybee activity (Kandidatarbete). Lunds universitet.

Karlsson, A. (2024). Berikning för att främja jaktbeteende för återintroducering av skotsk vildkatt i Skottland (Kandidatarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/20230/

Ydreborg, E. (2024). Documenting a Genetic Bottleneck: The Rescue of the Nordic Honey Bee (Apis mellifera mellifera) (Kandidatarbete). Lunds universitet.

Wetzler, N. S. (2024). The secret life of lynx - Examining the visitors effect on behavior in captive lynx (Lynx lynx) (Masterarbete). Linköpings universitet.



Försäter, K., & Skelton, T. (2024). Long-term management plan for the Lemur leaf frog Agalychnis lemur. European Association of Zoos and Aquariums.



Refereegranskade publikationer

Chimed, O., Lkhagvasuren, D., Alexander, J. S., … Nygren, E., … Samelius, G. (2023). Delivery of educational material increased awareness of the elusive Pallas’s cat in Southern Mongolia. Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 22(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1080/1533015X.2023.2169785

Esson, C., Samelius, G., Strand, T. M., Lundkvist, Å., … Low, M. (2023). The prevalence of rodent-borne zoonotic pathogens in the South Gobi desert region of Mongolia. Infection Ecology and Epidemiology, 13(1), 2270258. https://doi.org/10.1080/20008686.2023.2270258

Jakobsson, A., Loberg, J., & Kjörk, M. (2023). Retrieval-based learning versus discussion; which review practice will better enhance primary school students’ knowledge of scientific content? International Journal of Science Education 46(12), 1216-1238. https://doi.org/10.1080/09500693.2023.2283906

Johansson, Ö., Nyam, E., Lkhagvajav, P., Shanti Alexander, J., & Samelius, G. (2023). Predation patterns and hunting behavior of snow leopards: Insights from an ibex hunt. Snow Leopard Reports, 2, 6–9. https://doi.org/10.56510/slr.v2.14323

Niklasson, M., Svensson, E., Leidenberger, S., Norrström, N., & Crawford, E. (2023). Free-living colonies of native honey bees (Apis mellifera mellifera) in 19th and early 20th century Sweden. Journal of Insect Conservation 28, 389-400. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10841-023-00541-4

Spînu, A. P., Mysiak, W., Bauhus, J., Bielak, K., & Niklasson, M. (2023). Pioneer tree species accelerate restoration of tree-related microhabitats in 50-year-old reserves of Białowieża Forest, Poland. Ecology and Evolution, 13(7), e10238. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.10238

Tallian, A., Mattisson, J., Samelius, G., Odden, J., … Johansson, Ö. (2023). Wild versus domestic prey: Variation in the kill-site behavior of two large felids. Global Ecology and Conservation, 47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2023.e02650

Tucker, M. A., Schipper, A. M., Adams, … Samelius, G., … Mueller, T. (2023). Behavioral responses of terrestrial mammals to COVID-19 lockdowns. Science, 380(6649), 1059–1064. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abo6499

Ulziibadrakh, T., Uudus, B., Lkhagvajav, P., Alexander, J. S., … Samelius, G. (2023). Variation in plant composition along a gradient of increasing distance from wells in a mountain steppe in southern Mongolia. Snow Leopard Reports, 2, 10–16. https://doi.org/10.56510/slr.v2.12904

Vinken, V., Lidfors, L., Loberg, J., Lundberg, A., … Enquist, M. (2023). Models of conditioned reinforcement and abnormal behaviour in captive animals. Behavioural Processes, 210, 104893. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beproc.2023.104893


Populärvetenskapliga publikationer

Bengtsson, V., Hedin, J., & Niklasson, M. (2023). Veteranisering – verktyg istället för tid. Lustgården, 2023, 88-95. PDF

Nygren, E. (2023). The Himalayan Habre Centre: A centre for Red Panda conservation and sustainable livelihoods. WAZA News, 3, 6-7. https://www.waza.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/WAZA-magazine-2023-03-online.pdf



Amsten, K. (2023). Fire and herbivory - key drivers of temperate open ecosystems: Effects of consumer control on woody and herbaceous plant communities in temperate wood-pastures (Doctoral thesis). Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. https://doi.org/10.54612/a.6h71f5n575



Cao, J. (2023). Habitat suitability and movement patterns of reintroduced green toad on Öland (Masterarbete). Lunds univsersitet. http://lup.lub.lu.se/student-papers/record/9139999

Crawford, E. (2023). Assessing the welfare of captive Lesser Antillean iguanas (Iguana delicatissima) using the Zoological Society of London’s (ZSL) Welfare Audit (Masterarbete). Queen´s University of Belfast. PDF

Lang, L. (2023). Eye disorders in lesser whitefronted geese (Anser erythropus) in captivity (Masterarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/18617/

Topczewski, M. (2023). Feasibility of reintroduction of European Bison (Bison bonasus) to Sweden with focus on traffic accidents (Masterarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/19529/

Wepryk, O. (2023). Effects of fuel and weather conditions on forest fire behaviour in Southern Sweden in oak dominated forests (Masterarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/19612/



Gill, I., McGeorge, I., Jameson, T.J.M., … Försäter, K., … Garcia, G. 2023. EAZA Best Practice Guidelines for Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis) – First edition. European Association of Zoos and Aquariums. https://www.eaza.net/assets/Uploads/CCC/BPG-2022/2022-Sand-lizard-EAZA-Best-Practice-Guidelines-Approved.pdf

Nygren, E. (2023). Long-term management plan for the Lesser white-fronted goose Anser erythropus. European Association of Zoos and Aquariums.



Thulin, C-G., Ausilio, G. A., Sannö, A., Niklasson, M. & Kjellander, P. (2023). Genomförandeanalys av återintroduktion av visent (Bison bonasus) till Sverige. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, dnr SLU.afb.2023-11. https://www.slu.se/globalassets/ew/org/inst/afb/block/cg-thulin/thulin-mfl_forstudie-visent_231219_slutversion_komprimerad.pdf



Refereegranskade publikationer

Crawford, E., Leidenberger, S., Norrström, N., & Niklasson, M. (2022). Using video footage for observing honey bee behaviour at hive entrances. Bee World, 99(4), 139–142. https://doi.org/10.1080/0005772x.2022.2106739

Drobyshev, I., Ryzhkova, N., Niklasson, M., Zhukov, A., … Kryshen’, A. (2022). Marginal imprint of human land use upon fire history in a mire-dominated boreal landscape of the Veps Highland, North-West Russia. Forest Ecology and Management, 507, 120007. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120007

Johansson, Ö., Mishra, C., Chapron, G., Samelius, G., … Low, M. (2022). Seasonal variation in daily activity patterns of snow leopards and their prey. Scientific Reports, 12, 21681. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-26358-w

Menkis, A., Redr, D., Bengtsson, V., Hedin, J., Niklasson, M., … Dahlberg, A. (2022). Endophytes dominate fungal communities in six-year-old veteranisation wounds in living oak trunks. Fungal Ecology, 59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2020.101020

Mishra, C., Samelius, G., Khanyari, M., Srinivas, P. N., … Johansson, Ö. (2022). Increasing risks for emerging infectious diseases within a rapidly changing High Asia. Ambio, 51, 494–507. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-021-01599-7

Ryzhkova, N., Kryshen, A., Niklasson, M., Pinto, G., … Drobyshev, I. (2022). Climate drove the fire cycle and humans influenced fire occurrence in the East European boreal forest. Ecological Monographs, 92(4), e1530. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecm.1530  

Samelius, G., Xiao, L., Lkhagvajav, P., & Johansson, Ö. (2022). Risky business: red foxes killed when scavenging from snow leopard kills. Snow Leopard Reports, 1, 7–10. https://doi.org/10.56510/slr.v1.8092

Zin, E., Kuberski, Ł., Drobyshev, I., & Niklasson, M. (2022). First spatial reconstruction of past fires in temperate Europe suggests large variability of fire sizes and an important role of human-related ignitions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 768464. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2022.768464


Populärvetenskapliga publikationer

Försäter, K., Forsslund, S., & Niklasson, M. (2022). Citizen science project quickly improves knowledge on the rare cryptic European green toad (Poster). PDF

Moqanaki, E., & Samelius, G. (2022). Monitoring the manul: guidelines for practitioners. The Pallas’s cat International Conservation Alliance (PICA). https://savemanul.org/resources/monitoring-the-manul-guidelines-for-practitioners/

Nygren, E. (2022). Nordens Ark starts building a first of its kind turtle facility in Northern Europe. WAZA News, 2, 13-14. https://www.waza.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/WAZA-magazine-2022-02-digital.pdf

Servini, F., Försäter, K., Tapley, B., & Michaels, C. J. (2022). Records of multiple clutching in captive mountain chicken frogs Leptodactylus fallax. Herpetological Bulletin, 159, 25–28. https://doi.org/10.33256/159.2528



Brohede, T. (2022). Besökarpåverkan och hägnutnyttjande hos röd panda (Ailurus fulgens) på Nordens Ark (Kandidatarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/17839/

Crawford, E. (2022). A comparison of foraging, defensive, self-grooming and drone behaviour between native and non-native subspecies of european honey bee (Apis mellifera) in southwestern Sweden (Kandidatarbete). Queen´s University Belfast. PDF

Hansson Silva, P. (2022). Nyinflyttat och nyfött, ger det nya beteendemönster? : visenters habitatval och tillståndsbeteenden i vilthägn innan och efter samgång med vildhäst samt födsel av kalv i flocken (Kandidatarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/18204/

Ivarsson, F. (2022). How does grazing and burning affect the occurrence and development of vascular plants? (Masterarbete). Göteborgs universitet. https://hdl.handle.net/2077/75090

Qualm, S. (2022). Unsupervised remote sensing analysis of long-term land-use and land cover dynamics of European green toad (Bufotes viridis) habitats in southern Sweden (Masterarbete). Avans University of Applied Sciences. PDF

Torgersson, E. (2022). Conservation education in Swedish zoos (Masterarbete). Linköpings universitet.


Fakta- och läroböcker

Johansson, B. (2022). Erfarenheter av utbildning till personliga assistenter och undersköterskor inom djur, natur och hälsa vid Nordens Ark. In Å. Engström, P. Juuso, M. Liljegren, & L. Lundmark Alfredsson (Eds.), Vård, omsorg och rehabilitering utomhus - teori, praktik och nya perspektiv (pp. 648–649). Studentlitteratur.



Refereegranskade publikationer

Amsten, K., Cromsigt, J. P. G. M., Kuijper, D. P. J., Loberg, J. M., … Niklasson, M. (2021). Fire- and herbivory-driven consumer control in a savanna-like temperate wood-pasture: An experimental approach. Journal of Ecology, 109, 4103–4114. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13783

Bergsten, A., & Niklasson, M. 2021. Unassisted weighing of European Bison. European Bison Conservation Newsletter, 13, 21-26. https://ojs.wisent.org/index.php/czasopismo/article/view/22

Chimed, O., Alexander, J. S., Samelius, G., Lkhagvajav, P., … Sharma, K. (2021). Examining the past and current distribution of Pallas’s cat in Southern Mongolia.Mammalian Biology, 101, 811–816. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42991-021-00132-3

Drobyshev, I., Niklasson, M., Ryzhkova, N., Götmark, F., … Lindbladh, M. (2021). Did forest fires maintain mixed oak forests in southern Scandinavia? A dendrochronological speculation. Forest Ecology and Management, 482, 118853. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118853

Hirsch, E. N., Andersson, M., Loberg, J., & Lidfors, L. M. (2021). Development of existing scoring systems to assess behavioural coping in shelter cats. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 234, 105208. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2020.105208

Norrström, N., Niklasson, M., & Leidenberger, S. (2021). Winter weight loss of different subspecies of honey bee Apis mellifera colonies (Linnaeus, 1758) in southwestern Sweden. PLoS ONE, 16(10), e0258398. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0258398

Samelius, G., Suryawanshi, K., Frank, J., Agvaantseren, B., … Mishra, C. (2021). Keeping predators out: Testing fences to reduce livestock depredation at night-time corrals. ORYX, 55(3), 466–472. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0030605319000565


Populärvetenskapliga publikationer

Niklasson, M., Loberg, J., Johansson, B., & Nygren, E. (2021). Nordens Ark – artbevarande, utbildning, forskning och – en djurpark. Biologen, 1, 6-11. https://biologilararna.se/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Biologen_2021_1.pdf



Ballard-Johansson, M. (2021). Green toad gone: The decline of the European green toad (Bufotes viridis) in Sweden (Masterarbete). Göteborgs universitet. PDF

Jansson, I. (2021). Den skotska vildkatten (Felis silvestris silvestris) – sociala interaktioner och hägnutnyttjande hos två individer på Nordens Ark (Kandidatarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/17002/

Johansson, M. (2021). Vilka faktorer påverkar avelsarbetet med Snöleoparder i europeiska djurparker? (Masterarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/17365/

Lindholm, D. (2021). Inventering av sjukdomsförekomst hos snöleoparder (Panthera uncia) i europeiska djurparker (Masterarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/16879/

Olsson, R. (2021). Disturbance effect on reproduction in mountain chickens: Nordens Ark captive breeding program (Masterarbete). Göteborgs universitet. PDF

Strömgren, M. (2021). Nötkreaturs betningsbeteende på bränt och på obränt naturbete (Kandidatarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/17016/



Refereegranskade publikationer

Höggren, M., & Rehák, I. 2020. Bothrops alternatus (Urutu; Yarará Grande). Reproduction. Herpetological Review, 51(2), 341-342.

Johansson, Ö., Samelius, G., Wikberg, E., Chapron, G., … & Low, M. (2020). Identification errors in camera-trap studies result in systematic population overestimation. Scientific Reports, 10(6393). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-63367-z

Loberg, J. M., Slof Pacilio, M., Lundin, L., & Andersson, E. (2020). Survey to identify factors affecting breeding of Wolverines Gulo gulo within the EEP. International Zoo Yearbook, 54, 86–101. https://doi.org/10.1111/izy.12269

Pinto, G. A. S. J., Niklasson, M., Ryzhkova, N., & Drobyshev, I. (2020). A 500-year history of forest fires in Sala area, central Sweden, shows the earliest known onset of fire suppression in Scandinavia. Regional Environmental Change, 20(130). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-020-01718-2

Pinto, G. A.S.J., Rousseu, F., Niklasson, M., & Drobyshev, I. (2020). Effects of human-related and biotic landscape features on the occurrence and size of modern forest fires in Sweden. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 291, 108084. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108084

Spînu, A. P., Niklasson, M., & Zin, E. (2020). Mesophication in temperate Europe: A dendrochronological reconstruction of tree succession and fires in a mixed deciduous stand in Białowieża Forest. Ecology and Evolution, 10(2), 1029–1041. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.5966


Populärvetenskapliga publikationer

Försäter, K. (2020). In search of Green Toads. Frogress Report, August 2020. https://www.amphibians.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Frogress-Report_August2020.pdf

Helgesson, J., & Reh, B. (2020). The return to Rote Island: The EEP is the key to successful conservation for one of the world's most endangered chelonians, the Rote Island snake-necked turtle. Zooquaria,107, 17. https://www.eaza.net/assets/Uploads/Zooquaria/ZQIssues/2020/ZQ107final-web-v1.pdf



Ivarsson, F. (2020). Naturvårdsarbete: Restaurering av landskap med hjälp av metoderna betning och bränning (Kandidatarbete). Högskolan i Halmstad. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1392591/FULLTEXT02.pdf

Ohlsson, E. (2020). Hägnutnyttjande och beteende hos röd panda (Ailurus fulgens) på Nordens Ark (Kandidatarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/15812/

Qualm, S. (2020). Tracking of recently released European green toads using radio telemetry (Kandidatarbete). Avans University of Applied Sciences. PDF



Blomqvist, L. (2020). European Studbook for Forest Reindeer, Rangifer tarandus fennicus. 2019. Nordens Ark Foundation. PDF



Refereegranskade publikationer

Barclay, D., Nygren, E., Alekseicheva, I., Nelson, A-L., & Swanson, B. (2019). Ex-situ conservation of manul. CATnews Special Issue, 13, 41-45. http://www.catsg.org/fileadmin/filesharing/5.Cat_News/5.3._Special_Issues/5.3.12_SI_13/Barclay_et_al_2019_Ex-situ_conservation_of_manul.pdf

Barclay, D., … Samelius, G., Nygren, E., Nilsson, S., Hoggren, M., … Kubanych K. (2019). Conservation strategy for Otocolobus manul by Pallas’s cat. CATnews Special Issue, 13, 55-62. http://www.catsg.org/fileadmin/filesharing/5.Cat_News/5.3._Special_Issues/5.3.12_SI_13/Pallas%27s_Cat_Global_Action_Planning_Group_2019_Conservation_Strategy_for_Otocolobus_manul.pdf

Barclay, D., Smelansky, I., Nygren, E., & Antonevich, A. (2019). Legal status, utilisation, management and conservation of manul. CATnews Special Issue, 13, 37-40. http://www.catsg.org/fileadmin/filesharing/5.Cat_News/5.3._Special_Issues/5.3.12_SI_13/Barclay_et_al_2019_Legal_status_utilisation_management_and_conservation_of_manul.pdf

Kitenberga, M., Drobyshev, I., Elferts, D., … Niklasson, M., & Jansons, A. (2019). A mixture of human and climatic effects shapes the 250-year long fire history of a semi-natural pine dominated landscape of Northern Latvia. Forest Ecology and Management, 441, 192–201. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2019.03.020

Lantz, T., Breitenmoser-Würsten, C., … Nygren, E., Samelius, G., & Breitenmoser, U. (2019). Prologue: Why care about Otocolobus manul? CATnews Special Issue, 13, 5-8. http://www.catsg.org/fileadmin/filesharing/5.Cat_News/5.3._Special_Issues/5.3.12_SI_13/Lanz_et_al_2019_Why_care_about_Otocolobus_manul.pdf

Molander, M. A., Helgesson, J., Winde, I. B., Millar, J. G., & Larsson, M. C. (2019). The male-produced aggregation-sex pheromone of the Cerambycid beetle Plagionotus detritus ssp. detritus. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 45, 28–36. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10886-018-1031-4

Ross, S., Moqanaki, E. M., Barashkova, A., Dhendup, T., … Samelius, G. Past, present and future threats and conservation needs of Pallas's cats. CATnews Special Issue, 13, 46-51. http://www.catsg.org/fileadmin/filesharing/5.Cat_News/5.3._Special_Issues/5.3.12_SI_13/Ross_et_al_2019_Threats_and_conservation_needs_of_Pallas%27s_cats.pdf

Sahlin, E., Johansson, B., Karlsson, P. O., Loberg, J., Niklasson, M., & Grahn, P. (2019). Improved wellbeing for both caretakers and users from a zoo-related nature based intervention—a study at Nordens Ark zoo, Sweden. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 4929. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16244929


Populärvetenskapliga publikationer

Försäter, K., Amsten, K., & Runsten, A. (2019). What do we feed the food? Nutritional analysis of live feed insects (Poster). PDF

Försäter, K., & Forslund, S. (2019). Reintroducting Green Toads to historical sites; a collaborative effort between Nordens Ark and the County Administrative Board of Kalmar, Sweden. AArk Newsletter, 48, 5-6. https://www.amphibianark.org/Newsletters/AArk-newsletter-48.pdf

Leidenberger, S., Berntsson, A-C., & Niklasson, M. (2019). Nordiskt honungsbi studeras av Nordens Ark. Yrfän, 3, 22-25. https://www.sef.nu/download/yrfan/yrfan_2019/Yrfan-2019-nr-3_web.pdf



Andersson, E. (2019). Inventering och restaurering av lekdammar för stinkpadda (Epidalea calamita) på Smögen (Kandidatarbete). Göteborgs universitet.

Hedlund, V. (2019). Impact of cattle grazing on tree establishment in restored wood pastures in south-west Sweden (Masterarbete). Göteborgs universitet.

Ingelsbo, L. (2019). Tjärblomsters groning och överlevnad i restaurerad betesmark (Kandidatarbete). Göteborgs universitet.

Asif, D. (2019). A descriptive study of the role of maternal behavior in the survival of Markhor (Capra falconeri) kids (Masterarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/15202/

Karlsson, R. (2019). Konkurrens mellan kulliga och hornbärande nötkreatur i flock (Masterarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/14908/

Landin, M. (2019). Identification of a variable toad: A comparable study on photo-identification of variable toad (Bufotes variabilis) using two automated software (Masterarbete). Göteborgs universitet.

Slof Pacilio, M. (2019). Why are you not breeding? A study on the reproductive success of captive wolverines (Gulo g. gulo) (Masterarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/16110/



Blomqvist, L. (2019). European Studbook for Forest Reindeer, Rangifer tarandus fennicus. 2018. Nordens Ark Foundation. PDF



Refereegranskade publikationer

Hertz, A., Ponse, M., Madani, G. … Andrén, C., & Eisenberg, T. (2018). Low Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis prevalence in two persisting post-decline populations of endangered hylid frogs in western Panama. Salamandra, 54(1), 83-86. https://www.salamandra-journal.com/index.php/home/contents/2018-vol-54/1895-hertz-a-m-ponce-g-madani-a-bland-a-petchey-c-andren-t-eisenberg

Johansson, Ö., Koehler, G., Rauset, G. R., Samelius, G., … Low, M. (2018). Sex-specific seasonal variation in puma and snow leopard home range utilization. Ecosphere, 9(8). https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.2371

Mijiddorj Tserennadmid, N., Alexander Justine, S., Samelius, G., Badola, R., … Dutta, S. (2018). Livestock depredation by large carnivores in the South Gobi, Mongolia. Wildlife Research, 45, 237–246. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1071/WR18009


Populärvetenskapliga publikationer

Hedin, J., Niklasson, M., & Bengtsson, V. (2018). Veteranisering -verktyg istället för tid. Fauna och Flora, 113(2), 13-25.



Donaldson, C. (2018). Analyzing factors influencing reproductive success of the mountain chicken (Kandidatarbete). Högskolan i Skövde. https://his.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1288837/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Guanyabens Garrido, I. (2018). Play behaviour in urial (Ovis orientalis bocharensis) lamb (Masterarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/13881/

Slof Pacillo, M. (2018). Improving the welfare of the Amur leopards (Panthera pardus orientalis) at Nordens Ark (Sweden) (Masterarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/15824/



Blomqvist, L. (2018) European Studbook for Forest Reindeer, Rangifer tarandus fennicus. Nordens Ark Foundation. PDF

Blomqvist, L. (2018). International pedigree book for Snow leopards, Panthera uncia. Volume 11. Nordens Ark Foundation. PDF



Refereegranskade publikationer:

Axelsson, H. M. K., Hansen, S. W., Loberg, J., & Lidfors, L. (2017). Effects of group size on behaviour, growth and occurrence of bite marks in farmed mink. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 194, 112–119. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2017.05.008

Michaels, C. J., & Försäter, K. (2017). Captive breeding of Pelophylax water frogs under controlled conditions indoors. Herpetological Bulletin, 142, 2934. https://www.thebhs.org/publications/the-herpetological-bulletin/issue-number-142-winter-2017/1079-04-captive-breeding-of-i-pelophylax-i-water-frogs-under-controlled-conditions-indoors


Populärvetenskapliga publikationer

Blomqvist, L. & Mykrä, S. (2017). Reindeer recovery. Zooquaria. 96. 20-21. https://www.eaza.net/assets/Uploads/Zooquaria/ZQIssues/Zooquaria-96-v4.pdf

Dawson, J., Sulton, M., Martin, L., … Nygren, E., & Tapley, B. (2017). The Mountain Chicken Recovery Programme. AArk Newsletter, 40, 2-3. https://www.amphibianark.org/Newsletters/AArk-newsletter-40.pdf

Försäter, K., Nygren, E., & Niklasson, M. (2017). The European Green Toad rearing and reintroduction project at Nordens Ark, Sweden. AArk Newsletter, 41, 2. https://www.amphibianark.org/Newsletters/AArk-newsletter-41.pdf

Larsson, C. & Helgesson, J. (2017). Breeding butterflies and beetles. Zooquaria, 98, 14-15. https://www.eaza.net/assets/Uploads/Zooquaria/ZQIssues/Zooquaria-98-web.pdf



Hellström, K. (2017). Nötbetets påverkan på dynamiken hos träd- & buskplantor (Kandidatarbete). Göteborgs universitet.

Hermansson, M. (2017). Fukthaltens inverkan på spridningshastighet i gräsbränder (Kandidatarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/12854/

Meinesz, K. & Schutgens, E. (2017). Effect of grazing cattle and prescribed fire on tree species in the Swedish boreo-neomeral zone (Thesis report). Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein.

Runelid, S. (2017). Hierarki och hägnutnyttjande hos asiatisk vildhund (Cuon alpinus) på Nordens Ark (Kandidatarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/10685/

Sridharan, P. (2017). Adaptation to temperate forest species to competition, herbivory, and fire (Internship report). Wagenigen University. 

Virs, P. (2017). Tree establishment under high browsing pressure in Eriksberg Wildlife Park, Sweden (Masterarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/10075/



Blomqvist, L. (2017). Long-term EU-funding to support forest reindeer conservation. Nordens Ark Foundation. PDF

Blomqvist, L., Fienieg, E. & Leus, K. (2017). Long-term management plan for the wolverine (Gulo gulo gulo). Nordens Ark Foundation & EAZA. PDF

Blomqvist, L. & Larsson, C. (2017). Regional stambok för ex-situ population av vitryggig hackspett Dendrocopos leucotos i SDF-parker. Volym 1. Stiftelsen Nordens Ark. PDF



Niklasson, M. 2017. Ekologisk restaurering av ung produktionspräglad bokskog. Länsstyrelsen Hallands län. Meddelande 2017:10



Refereegranskade publikationer

Blomqvist, L., & Sliwa, A. (2016). Chapter 21 - Role of zoos in Snow Leopard conservation: management of captive Snow Leopards in the EAZA region. In T. McCarthy & D. Mallon (Eds.), Snow Leopards (First Edition, pp. 293-300). Elsevier Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-802213-9.00021-3 

Blomsten, P., Schuett, G., Hoggren, M., & Reiserer, R. (2016). Fifteen Consecutive Years of Successful Reproduction in a Captive Female Sidewinder (Crotalus cerastes). Herpetological Review, 47(1), 69-72. https://ssarherps.org/herpetological-review-pdfs/

Drobyshev, I., Bergeron, Y., Vernal, A. De, Moberg, … Niklasson, M. (2016). Atlantic SSTs control regime shifts in forest fire activity of Northern Scandinavia. Scientific Reports, 6, 22532. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep22532

Felton, A., Nilsson, U., Sonesson, J., … Niklasson, M., … Wallertz, K. (2016). Replacing monocultures with mixed-species stands: Ecosystem service implications of two production forest alternatives in Sweden. Ambio, 45(2), 124–139. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-015-0749-2

Johansson, Ö., Rauset, G. R., Samelius, G., McCarthy, T., … Mishra, C. (2016). Land sharing is essential for snow leopard conservation. Biological Conservation, 203, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2016.08.034

Loberg, J. M., & Lundmark, F. (2016). The effect of space on behaviour in large groups of domestic cats kept indoors. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 182, 23–29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2016.05.030


Populärvetenskapliga publikationer

Lindén, L.M. (2016). Mission Improbable: Nordens Ark and the battle for endangered species. WAZA News, 1, 19-22.

Niklasson, M. (2016). Ecopark Nordens Ark - Promoting local biodiversity. WAZA News, 1, 34.



Ahlrot, U. (2016). Wellfare in zoo kept felids: A study of resource usage (Masterarbete). Linköpings universitet. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:957927/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Nilsson, M. (2016). Födoberikningar på europeiskt lodjur (Lynx lynx) på Nordens Ark (Kandidatarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/9383/

Sandberg, E. (2016). Auditiv berikning till lappuggla (Strix nebulosa) på Nordens Ark – att stimulera jaktbeteenden (Kandidatarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/9463/



Blomqvist, L. (2016). European Studbook for Wolverines, Gulo g. gulo, Volume 5. Nordens Ark Foundation. PDF

Blomqvist, L. (2016). Forest reindeer report for 2015. Nordens Ark Foundation Annual Report, 2016, 20-22. PDF



Refereegranskade publikationer

Bergner, A., Avci, M., Eryiğit, H., … Niklasson, M., … & Milberg, P. (2015). Influences of forest type and habitat structure on bird assemblages of oak (Quercus spp.) and pine (Pinus spp.) stands in southwestern Turkey. Forest Ecology and Management, 336, 137–147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2014.10.025

Drobyshev, I., Bergeron, Y., Linderholm, H. W., Granström, A., & Niklasson, M. (2015). A 700-year record of large fire years in northern Scandinavia shows large variability and increased frequency during the 1800s. Journal of Quaternary Science, 30(3), 211–221. https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.2765

Johansson, Ö., McCarthy, T., Samelius, G., Andrén, H., … Mishra, C. (2015). Snow leopard predation in a livestock dominated landscape in Mongolia. Biological Conservation, 184, 251–258. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2015.02.003

Murray, J. K., Mosteller, J. R., Loberg, J. M., Andersson, M., & Benka, V. A. W. (2015). Methods of fertility control in cats: Owner, breeder and veterinarian behavior and attitudes. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17, 790–799. https://doi.org/10.1177/1098612X15594994

Zin, E., Drobyshev, I., Bernacki, D., & Niklasson, M. (2015). Dendrochronological reconstruction reveals a mixed-intensity fire regime in Pinus sylvestris-dominated stands of Białowiez˙a Forest, Belarus and Poland. Journal of Vegetation Science, 26(5), 934–945. https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs.12290



Johannesson, K. (2015). Reactions to objects and humans in Przewalski´s horses: a first step to assess domestication effects on behaviour in horses (Kandidatarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/8461/

Landin, M. (2015). Fjällgässens sista måltid? En beteendestudie på fjällgäss (Anser erythropus) i hägn (Kandidatarbete). Göteborgs universitet.

Lefkowitz, E. (2015). An analysis of white-backed woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos) habitat restoration in Sweden (Masterarbete). Uppsala universitet.

Lundberg, E. (2015). Test av nya foder- och vattenhållare på Nordens Arks skogsrenar (Rangifer tarandus fennicus): En beteendestudie (Kandidatarbete). Göteborgs universitet.

Nordick, C. (2015). Activity of Spermophilus citellus in captivity: movement inventories for a small souslik group at Nordens Ark animal park (Project report). Uppsala universitet.

O’Reilly, L. (2015). Stress hos skruvhornsget, Capra falconeri, på Nordens Ark: Hur påverkas arten av skötare? (Kandidatarbete). Lunds universitet. https://www.lu.se/lup/publication/8839524

Rosenberg, J. (2015). Blåkråka (Coracias garrulus) på Nordens Ark (Kandidatarbete). Göteborgs universitet.

Svensson, H. (2015). Hägnutnyttjande hos persisk leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) (Kandidatarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/8541/



Blomqvist, L. (2015). EAZA husbandry guidelines for Eurasian forest reindeer. Nordens Ark Foundation. PDF

Blomqvist, L. & Ness, T. (2015). Wolverine EEP expands to North America. Nordens Ark Foundation Annual Report, 2015, 18-21. PDF



Refereegranskade publikationer

Drobyshev, I., Granström, A., Linderholm, H. W., Hellberg, E., …, Y., & Niklasson, M. (2014). Multi-century reconstruction of fire activity in northern European boreal forest suggests differences in regional fire regimes and their sensitivity to climate. Journal of Ecology, 102, 738–748. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.12235

Drobyshev, I., Niklasson, M., Mazerolle, M. J., & Bergeron, Y. (2014). Reconstruction of a 253-year long mast record of European beech reveals its association with large scale temperature variability and no long-term trend in mast frequencies. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 192–193, 9–17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.02.010



Dahlqvist, C. (2014). Berikning för Nordens Arks kattdjur (Felidae) – en utvärdering av tre vanliga berikningar: isglass, kanel och kaninspillning (Kandidatarbete). Göteborgs universitet.

Ek, J. (2014). Tidsbudget, beteende och förutsättningar på reproduktion hos lodjur på Nordens Ark. (Kandidatarbete). Göteborgs universitet.

Engman, N. (2014). Aktivitetsbudget och berikning på Nordens Arks fjällugglor (Bubo scandiacus) (Kandidatarbete). Göteborgs universitet.

Lund, M. (2014). Släktskapets påverkan på tillväxt, storlek, mortalitet och defekter hos yngel vid uppfödning hos Grönfläckig padda (Bufo viridis) (Kandidatarbete). Högskolan i Skövde. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:726880/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Thulin, E. (2014). Skymningsaktivitet hos sydlig pudu (Pudu puda) på Nordens Ark – en jämförelse mellan två olika hägnstorlekar (Kandidatarbete). Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/7319/



Blomqvist, L. (2014). Development of Wolverine EEP. Nordens Ark Foundation Annual Report, 2014, 33-35. PDF